100 Blogs Challenge


Writing is an integral part of our profession. SCoRe, an institution whose course is made looking at the requirements of the PR firms, makes writing a habit for its students. When I applied for this course, I was told by Hemant Gaule, Dean (Academics) that we’d have to write 100 blogs over the period of our course. I had then thought, it would be fun.

When I joined the course, the initial Sundays were fun to write. Sitting after the classes and completing my blog way before Sunday to have the weekend free. Over the time, when there were a lot of assignments and work, this felt too much to do in the weekdays. And from the last few weeks, I sit at 16:00 or 17:00 to complete my blog in 45 mins and submit it. A good or bad habit – I don’t know. I am glad that I can write on any topic (which doesn’t require research) so quickly.

The 100-blog challenge was divided into 60 blogs and 40 blogs. 60 daily blogs and 40 weekly blogs (this is the 40th). My daily blogs had various topics ranging from Mr Naveen Pattnaik to Dahibara Aloodum (of course). And the weekly blogs are mostly ideas that come to my mind over the week, or sometimes the same day. They have a little more of my attention as they get reviewed by Anubhuti Mathur, Content Director, Reputation Today Magazine.

Now that all of it is going to end, and I am going to write more of academic articles as a part of my job, I will miss this. The sole reason being that the blogs and thoughts I wrote here are what came straight from my heart. It was a beautiful form of expression that I generally wouldn’t do otherwise. I would speak it or think it out. But writing was a great experience to go through.


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