Covid and Mental Health


Coronavirus has been around us for more than a year now. Recently the second tsunami has affected record-breaking people and it has taken a lot of lives. As a blood donor organisation, we receive a lot of calls where I have heard many voices shaking and asking for help, and we in a very minor capacity along with our group members try to help. Opening up the social media, and receiving news from relatives, I see Corona Virus ihas impacted our near and dear ones.

What worries me or occupies my mind is the negative energy that comes with it. We are talking of news filled with negativity (but reality) from all over the place. That might take a toll on mental health. I have been staying at home for long and that has taken a toll on my mental health. I am coping up with it and fighting my way out, and you can too.

I would suggest avoiding continuously looking at the news. That might be difficult if you feed on information, but you’d have to for your betterment. I would also suggest you make sure that you take up some activity – a physical activity that drains your energy and one that makes you feel better or positive about yourself. Something that you feel you have a calling to.  Find small instances that help you connect to your family and your loved ones. Reading a book – one of positive plot, will help. And if you know me and you’d want to talk, discuss or hear a story, let me know. There are also mental health helplines that can help and consultants helping others. In case you need one, let me know and I can help.


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