I wish to die in sleep


I have grown up in a joint family. With many things that comes with it, comes multiple deaths to witness. I have seen various reasons for death and the various ways a person breathes his or her last. Some of them experience a lot of pain, while the other, comparatively low.

Humans’ immunity and strength goes low while they attain old age. It is how our bodies are built. (Or that is what we know for now). Once the health starts to deteriorate, we tend to go to hospitals for a cure, where they spend weeks in the process, which might turn fruitful or might not. But we do our best to save our dear one.
You will see there are situations where the family has left the father in the hospital with a caretaker, since they have been ill for months now and their children do not have enough leaves. In those conditions, irrespective of the physical condition improving or not, mentally they feel really weak.
In addition to it, if they are not improving, they die a painful death.

I don’t want to be in such a condition. I don’t want to die in a manner such as that. Weeks on a hospital bed. Not being able to move. Attached to multiple wires. On a very odd diet, with more medicines + injections and less food.
I want to die a simple death, where the last day would have been spent with my family and friends, on a happy place where we spoke. I don’t want my family to be pulled and dragged around for me, with hospitals, the lengthy bills and a point where they start to get irritated. I wish to end it on a less burdened sleep, probably by less amount of pain, such as heart attack. A less painful physically, less burdened mentally and with my family and friends by my side.


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