The bad habit of churning out the perfect at the last moment.


Are you one of those who push things until the last moment and then do it just before the deadline and you do it brilliantly? Well, I am one. It is a bad habit I gained during my NCC days and it has worked pretty well for me. I do not miss deadlines in most cases. I do complete it just 30 minutes before the time.

When I get a task that can be done within a week and I have two weeks for that, I open up a notepad and write down about it. Whenever anything comes to my mind, I note it down. When I have enough content, I review it and I forget it for some reason. I am really bad at remembering dates. I have to jot it down or set a reminder. When I get reminded of it by looking at the calendar, that is mostly by the reminder that I have set on the day.
Interestingly, I always carve out the best version when I work on the last moment. It helps me concentrate and I don’t leave my thoughts in the mid-air to think something else.
I have tried completing long before the time, but my mind moves somewhere else or I don’t like how it becomes. Even after submitting it, I felt that it is odd. But the last moment thing is great.

I know I have to work on the procrastination part and the part where I work with that perfection whenever I work. But as of now, it is how it is and I am glad about it. I believe I do my best and in the end, that is all that matters.


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