Chess is a game of life


When I was a kid, I was fascinated by the chess boards. I moved in to play it and was a district level player, if you count that. I loved the game but I had other interests so I moved out. I left playing it at home as well because it reminded me of not playing it along for my career. But it isn’t about playing chess, it is about how beautiful the game is, and how much it taught me.

When you see the game of chess, you see pawns in the front and then different pieces in pairs to do their respective jobs and move in a particular rule, all for killing the opponent's king while saving yours. But do you notice, that irrespective of how much you plan your game, one move from the opponent makes you change all of that? The mission of a piece changes every move. You sometimes don’t anticipate situations that put you in check and to avoid it, you have to sacrifice an important piece of your side.

Life is similar to that. We, even our parents and guardians plan so much for us. But it changes with incidents that take place in our lives. Some that can be avoided just like we change the way of our pieces. But for some, we have to sacrifice a part of us: be it a passion or friend or something else. We can’t be hurt or can’t stop at a major place, we have to move on, to achieve the best possible, and to gain our goal.

The ultimate goal is to grow up to earn a living and live a peaceful life. You might not get your choice of career or choice of college or something else. But you have to move on, valuing your sacrifices and looking at the larger picture. The last man surviving, be it against your opponent or the hurdles of life, wins.


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